Privacy Policy
This section outlines the use and protection policy adopted for your personal data provided during your visit to Magic Compass Holdings Limited (MCHOLDINGS) website. Before transmitting any personal data to MCHOLDINGS, please carefully read the following items. By browsing this website and communicating electronically with MCHOLDINGS, you agree to MCHOLDINGS processing your personal data in the manner described below, and your continued use of this website after any changes to these terms have been announced on this page signifies your acceptance of these changes.
(I) Purpose of Data Collection
MCHOLDINGS collects your personal data through your inquiries. According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Chapter 486 of the Hong Kong Law, your data may be used for the following purposes:
Facilitating the daily operation of the services provided;
Promoting financial services or products;
Complying with all legal obligations related to disclosure as implemented by any applicable laws, regulations, or regulatory authorities;
Statistical and research purposes; and Any purpose related to the aforementioned parts.
(II) Disclosure of Data
The data held by MCHOLDINGS about you will be kept confidential, but MCHOLDINGS may provide such data to the following parties:
Related group companies whose products or services they promote or provide may be provided by MCHOLDINGS;
Any person who has a duty of confidentiality to MCHOLDINGS;
Any financial institution with which the customer has or plans to transact and its relevant contacts; or Any person for the purposes mentioned in the above (I).
(III) Rights
With respect to personal data, you will have the following rights:
Check whether MCHOLDINGS holds data about you, whether it has the right to use such data, and request to correct any erroneous data about you;
Inquire about MCHOLDINGS 's policies and practices regarding data, and find out what types of personal data MCHOLDINGS holds about you.
Contact Us
Any requests for data inquiries, data corrections, or inquiries about data policies and practices or types of data should be made to the following person:
Data Protection Officer
Magic Compass Holdings Limited
Suite 905, 9/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong